
Monday, January 28, 2013

Character Group Rules - Dragons

This is not a scheduled post today. While Trinity has long had her posts for this week already written, I am marginally more... lazy. And I didn't get a post scheduled and written and ready, so I'm kind of rushing to get this up.
It's Hannah.
Anyway, today is not going to be a creative writing post, although that would be much easier.
So I guess I'll do a Character Rules Post.
Dragons Of Eyra.

While you're reading, go ahead and listen to this lovely song, if you can read and listen to music at the same time (which I find hard, personally).


Now, I have very definitive rules on what dragons are like, what dragons do and how they do it. Where to start, where to start...

Dragons are intelligent animals, more so than dolphins or poodles, in that they can talk, for instance. They are like people, in a way, different than one another in personality, and each unique in appearance (like a fingerprint, no one dragon is exactly alike).
Of course, like people, some dragons may be more unpleasant, more excitable, or more charming than others. There are good dragons and bad dragons and young dragons and old dragons. Some very young or old. 
The first dragon that I introduced was a four-month-old female Sea Dragon named Aquamarine.

Now. There are three different classifications of dragons (so far). Sea, Fire, and Flying, aka Flight or Air. They are sorted according to physical attributes.

Flight Dragons can always fly, naturally. They are often less bulky and more streamlined, and always have wings. (I think it necessary to mention at this point that my books only concern the Western Dragon, not the Eastern.) Flying Dragons can also usually breathe fire, but are most skilled at flying.
Commonly seen as graceful and calm, though sometimes assumed to be more light-headed than other dragons.

Sea Dragons work best in water. They can swim like a fish, and are often mistaken for sea serpents. The scales of a Sea Dragon are often a shade of blue or green.
Some Sea Dragons can fly, and a handful can breathe fire. Of the fliers, some have camouflaged wings (Aquamarine, for example) and their wings often serve as fins. As for the fire breathers, their fire is often differently colored, and weaker than the flame of a fire dragon. 

Fire Dragons are arguably the most fearsome of their kind. They always have a powerful flame, and enjoy roosting in volcanoes or deep in the crevices or the earth. These dragons are often colored black or red, and can be bulkier than the other two breeds. A Fire Dragon can usually fly, and sometimes takes that as a license to dive-bomb towns and villages. The Council of Dragons is working to prevent this.  
Fire Dragons can often be seen as hot-headed and bad-tempered, though that is not the case with every dragon.

Secondly, Aquamarine is a Maiden's Dragon.

Maiden's Dragon -

A dragon raised or trained to be a personal guard of a female human or elf, and in rare cases, a dwarf. To dictate which female is chosen as a Maiden, the typical course of action is to strategically place a object of interest, most commonly a ring or other piece of jewelry, in a place that a person will find it and pick it up. In the event that a male finds the object, the dragon is called a Knight's Dragon. The dragon will typically inhabit the object and wait until they are discovered. (The inhabiting thing is still being worked out). Once the object is discovered, the Maiden or Knight must keep it with them at all times (which is why it helps if the object is a piece of jewelry.) This establishes a link between the dragon and their keeper, and enables the keeper to call for help when necessary.

The dragon, upon being found, becomes bound to their keeper, to protect with life and limb, until the keeper dies or officially releases them. In the case of a 'release', the dragon may either move on to another keeper, or go on to do what they wish.

Like a genie or a butler that can fry bad guys.

Now, all dragons have abilities, skills, that are not widely known. Each dragon has the potential, but it has to be trained and honed to be used efficiently

Transportation - The dragon's ability to teleport themselves or something else (size depends on concentration and training) to another dimension, to the Void, or to another location in the same dimension.

Size Change - There is a typical, natural size to a dragon, but a dragon, with skill, can shrink or grow to suit their accommodations. This ability can be trained into a dragon by their elders, or, on some occasions, come across on accident. The size to which the dragon can shrink or grow depends on training, concentration, and age.

Invisibility - The art of, in technical terms, teleporting one's appearance to another dimension or location. The strength, potency and presence of the dragon remains, but they cannot be seen. A very well-trained dragon can sometimes also turn their keeper invisible, which is much more difficult.

Okey-dokey-lokey. I think that's all for now. I'll probably have to put up a second post in the future to further elaborate or to cover anything I have forgotten.
If you have a question, go ahead and ask in the comments. 

Oh, one more thing. There is no magic concerning the dragons. Each of their abilities is only part of their natural tendencies. It's not strange for a human to walk on two legs. Not every animal can do that, but it's typical for people, even if it's something they have to learn.

So, that's the end of this really late post (it was supposed to be on by 7 this morning). Ciao!

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