
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Creative Writing ~ The Gypsy Game

I (Trinity) will admit, Creative Writing posts are really easy. They're already all written out and ready to go. It's like InstaPost: Just add an introduction.
Now, I will say a little more about how I do creative writing assignments. Technically, you're supposed to aim for fifteen minutes of writing but... I dislike leaving the story wide open or halfway through when I planned to reveal something about a particular character or throw a twist in, so I go over just to try and wrap things up a little bit. Or sometimes it just goes on and on. Anyway, here it is:

The Gypsy Game

On one side of the table sat a very large man. He sat in a very large and sturdy chair, but even then, his sides seemed ready to bust through the arm-rests. He was wearing many rings on each hand and was dressed most opulently Anyone could see that he was bald as his wig was quite disheveled and crooked, a consequence of his tugging at it in deep thought. Even though it was a mild fall afternoon, his handkerchief was soaked from mopping his brow.

Across from him, the young woman watched him with amusement. She perched atop a stool, swinging her bare feet carelessly, her anklets jingling. She was dressed oddly, for though her clothing was ragged and patched in places, the cloth was brilliant colors of the rainbow. Around her slim wrists, she carried a large collection of bangles, and in her ears were two large gold hoops. Her wild brown hair seemed to float all around, restrained only by a large handkerchief tied over it.

"Have you made your move, my lord?" She asked the man, her dark eyes sparkling in amusement.

He coughed nervously, then said, "Yes. Yes, I have."

"Most excellent." The woman reached forward and moved one of the colorful balls on the board between them. Then she deftly plucked three other of the balls off and dropped them in a pouch at her waist.
The man shifted, trying to find a comfortable position in the chair, and frowned at the board, trying to figure out how she had done it. Abruptly, he looked up and glared at her with beady eyes. "You aren't using magic, are you gypsy?"

The gypsy smiled winningly. "Of course not, my lord. That would be ruin the point of the game. Skill against skill alone."

The nobleman scowled, barely comprehending her subtle jab at his skill. It had been a mistake, he decided, to challenge the gypsy woman to her own game. Naturally, she had refused until he made it a wager. And a very substantial one at that. Two thousand crowns out of his treasury went to her if she won, and if he won, she would enter his service as a maid for the next year with no pay.

The nobleman couldn't afford to lose two thousand crowns, and the gypsy abhorred the idea of being kept in one place for a whole year, especially while serving such a pompous nobleman.

Leaning forward as best he could, the nobleman picked up a ball between his meaty fingers and moved it diagonally on the board, then picked up one of her balls. The gypsy smiled. Humming a strange tune, she moved one of her balls four, five, six times. Then she scooped up the rest of the nobleman's balls.

"I believe that finishes the game." She said lightly, tossing her hair over her shoulder.

The nobleman nodded grudgingly. "Very well. Two hundred crowns, was it?"
"Two thousand, actually." She corrected him, putting the game away. "But there's no need for you to bother with it."

"I beg your pardon?" He rumbled.
"I have no need of your money." The gypsy replied. "I'd gladly exchange the two thousand crowns for room and board whenever I come this way again."
"Eh? Oh, yes. Yes, of course!" The nobleman agreed eagerly, relieved. "Consider it done."
As he left, the gypsy smiled to herself, quite pleased with her work for the day.

The End. These are kind of short sometimes. I particularly enjoyed writing this one for some reason, and I think I'd enjoy writing something with the gypsy girl character again. Come to think of it, it kind of reminds me of the book Gypsy Rizka, which was a fun read. Not real high on the intricate plot scale, but a good book to read in an afternoon to amuse yourself. We might ought to have a page for book recommendations. 
Oh, and leave a comment if you caught the Princess Bride reference! 

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