
Saturday, October 25, 2014

NaNoWriMo Insanity

I've heard that the definition of insanity is trying that doesn't work over and over in hopes that it will work.

That said, I am apparently clinically insane.

This is the third year that we have done NaNoWriMo. I haven't won yet, and every year after it's over I swear it off and say that intense deadlines aren't for me. Then, come October, I'm swept up in all the NaNoWriMo hype again.

That's not to say this year is different. But this year is different. No, I'm not quitting, folks, I'm just not playing to win, I'm playing to improve. I seriously haven't written anything of substance besides little notes on my phone for nearly a year. So for me I'm just going to be working on getting a healthy writing pattern set up. And if I coincidentally happen to get 50,000 words, that works out fairly well too.

So I guess that classifies me as a rebel Wrimo, or whatever you call it. Trinity, who did win NaNoWrimo last year, is going a different route, but I'm going to let her tell you about all that. Additionally, to all our fellow Wrimos, Trinity's NaNoWrimo username is A Quill In Her Quiver and mine is The Quill Is My Sister.

How many of you are participating this year? We'd love to be writing buddies with you.


  1. Ehhh, I'm sort of considering it, but probably won't, just because life is so crazy. Except, I've written 12,000+ words on one document in the last week (??? don't ask me where it all came from) and I'm all, if I could just do that for three weeks, I'd be way past 50,000.
    Whatever happens, I look forward to seeing how both you and Trinity fare this year! Best of luck. ^_^

  2. Yay for rebels. :3 Writing to improve is always a good choice. Good luck!

  3. Hi! I'm a writer too, and I've done Nanowrimo. Never got the full 50,000 words(Only a person who has time, right?) but I did finish a novel over 46,000 and wrote a children's series with pictures! this blog makes me want to write more. Keep up the good work!


I (Trinity) turned off the captcha test and comment moderation, so you can now comment instantly. (Not that I won't still be moderating comments. I still have the power to delete a comment so fast it'll make your head spin.)