
Monday, February 3, 2014


Howdy, howdy, it's Hannah.

While I would love to write 50,000 words in two months like Trinity is with DOOM (it sounds way easier to me than writing them in ONE month), I had this crazy idea awhile back that I would participate in NaPoWriMo.

"NaPoWriMo" stands for National Poetry Writing Month. It takes place during the month of April, which is coincidentally National Poetry Month. How 'bout that. 
Though I don't know much about it, the general idea is to write a poem every day, and at the end of the month you will have with you 30 completed poems (so long as you succeed in your endeavors). It's a creative writing exercise, and though I know I'm not the most eloquent or skillful poet, I'd like to try my hand.

Since DOOM runs through March and April, I would have to focus on both at once if I were to do DOOM. DOOM still sounds like a great idea, and if I'm feeling crazy enough I may do both activities at once. To find out more you might check this NaNoWriMo post about Poem In Your Pocket Day, or the Wikipedia page for NaPoWriMo. The official page for NaPoWriMo, it seems, is not up yet for 2014, but far as I can tell, the address is here

Sosrin God ignt eht ceallian,
(To God be the Glory)


  1. Oooooh, I did that last year, before I knew it was a thing. O.o It was fun but very, veryyy painful. :p

    1. Well, for the first week or two it was fun. The poems came and flowed out easily and it was wonderful. But then my ideas drained out of me (I'm pretty sure I even wrote a poem about not knowing what to write). I was left scrambling, trying to come up with ideas, panicking. I get stressed out easily. But I made it through, barely, and I'm glad I did it. Overall, it was a wonderful experience, and I think it helped me find ways to conquer writer's block better.
      So, yay. (:

  2. I'll take a running jump at it. I must warn you though, my poetry is worse than Twilight's singing in Guardians of Ga'Hoole.

  3. Ahh! This is a brilliant idea! I'm surprised I haven't heard of this one before x) I think I'm gonna have to add something to my "to-write" list!


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