
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Blurbs: Red River

Trinity here. Yes, this post is a day late. Moving right along.

I don't remember what originally inspired this, and I wrote it just a couple months ago. But it's a different genre from what I usually write (fantasy/dystopian and the like) because it's a western. Again, I've completely forgotten where this came from, but I think out of all my other stories, I have the most personal experience with this type of environment because I actually live in the south.

Anyhow, this is the beginning of the story of Lacey Agnes McClain, (the daughter of Aidan McClain) a social butterfly in her eastern town. She has no mother (for as yet undecided reasons), but her father owns several stores, so they're relatively wealthy. She and her father are very close, so she's devastated when he's killed in an accident. She's almost equally horrified when she finds out she has to leave the busy city, and move to the tiny western town of Red River to live with her father's old friend, Jesse Chase, and his son William on their ranch, as she has no living family elsewhere.

(Note: There are a lot of animals on the Chase Ranch, and naming them all falls to Will, who has very little imagination when it comes to animals. Thus, the horse's name is Shoulders (because he has big shoulders) and the milk cow's name is Spots (because she's got spots). No animal other than Shoulders makes an appearance in this snippet, but I just thought I'd explain why he has such a lame name.)

Will sat back on the wagon seat and tipped his hat forward to cover his eyes. The train wasn't supposed to arrive for another twenty minutes, so he figured he might as well catch a few winks. Naps were a rare treat in his line of work; there just wasn't enough time in the day.

The sun shone down brightly, warming the little town of Red River. A gentle breeze rolled over the water of the town's namesake and lazily wound it's way around the buildings and through the streets. Will's horse, Shoulders, shifted his weight and flicked his tail at a fly, perfectly content to wait.

What seemed like mere moments later, a long low whistle sounded in the distance. Will lifted his hat with one thumb and peeked at the town clock.

"Twenty minutes already." He mumbled.

Shoulders' ears swiveled back toward Will, waiting for a command. Will climbed down from the wagon and Shoulders went back to contemplating whatever it is horses contemplate.

Will walked over to the train depot, hands stuffed in his pockets, and stepped up on the platform, leaning against one of the pillars nonchalantly. No expression whatsoever crossed his face as the train squealed to a halt, then blew it's whistle one more time. The one passenger bound for Red River stepped off and looked around curiously.

With a groan of dismay, Will removed his hat and ran his fingers through his hair.

She was wearing a frilly dress the color of pink lemonade, and a large white bow was tied around her tiny waist. Underneath her flowery bonnet, blonde curls peeked out. She was pretty, that was for sure, but she wouldn't last long in Red River. She'd be on the next train out of here, Will was certain.
Putting his hat back on, he stepped forward and said, "Miss Lacey?"

She flashed him a dazzling smile. "That's me. Are you William Chase?"

He winced, and offered his hand, "Call me Will, ma'am."

She hesitated, then gingerly shook his hand. He realized that probably wasn't the way gentlemen greeted ladies back east. After a moment of thought, he decided he didn't care. He didn't have time to pander to her fancy ways. She'd either get used to the Red River style of living or she'd go back to where she came from.

"So, Will," She said sweetly, as the porter set her trunk down, "Where's your carriage?"

A smile quirked at the corner of his mouth. "The wagon's just 'round the corner."

"Wag-" She clamped her mouth shut and walked around the corner.

Will hoisted her trunk onto his shoulder and followed her. She stood staring at Shoulders and his wagonload 
of lumber.

"Oh," She said vaguely, "A wagon."

He decided to have a little fun with her. "Do you call them somethin' else back east?"

"No..." She answered uncertainly, "We just have other purposes for them."

Will kept a completely straight face as he put her trunk in the back and asked, "People don't ride in them no more?"

"Not as a primary form of conveyance."

He shot her a look of disdain.

"That means we usually use a different way to get from place to place." She explained kindly.

He frowned and climbed up onto the wagon seat. "I know what it means."

"Oh." She blushed very prettily. "I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean to imply that you weren't-"

He let out a loud sigh of exasperation. "Miss Lacey, if you'd be so kind as to get in, we could be on our way."

She blushed more fiercely and eyed the side of the wagon. It wasn't real high, but it'd be a bit of a challenge for a young lady dressed as she was. With a glint of determination in her blue eyes, she gathered her skirt up in one hand and began clambering up into the wagon.

Will stuck to his guns. He would not go easy on her. Any other Red River woman could and would climb in and out of wagons several times a day without his help; She could learn to do it too.

She put her left foot up on the wagon floor and began pulling herself up with her right hand. But when she tried to put her other foot up, her patent leather boots slipped on the worn wood of the wagon. She let out a most unlady-like whoop and tumbled head-over-heels into the dirt.

Will looked away to give her some privacy as she got up and rearranged her skirts, as well as to hide his grin.

When she was standing next to the wagon again she asked meekly, "I don't suppose I could ask for your assistance, Mr. William?"

Will leaned over and held his hand out to her. She took it, planted her right boot firmly against the edge of the wagon floor and pulled herself up. After several moments of spinning around and rearranging her skirts, during which time Will had to bat the big white bow out of his face more than once, she finally settled herself on the wagon bench.

"Can we move on now?" He asked wryly.

I really like describing Lacey's wardrobe, since it's colorful and interesting, but also ridiculous. It also shows that she has no idea what Red River is going to be like.
So, I made some dress up dolls of what I think she'd look like when she first gets to Red River, and what she'd look like after she's been in Red River awhile and has all her chores and stuff to do around the ranch.


(I made these at which is strangely addicting and a lot of fun. It's... a lot of fun. Plus you can create a likeness of almost any female character you've ever come up with (the guys aren't so great in my opinion). Even if/Especially if it's a fantasy character. Like a mermaid with wings.)

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