
Saturday, November 3, 2012


Hannah again.
It is now my turn to post something, as Trinity has made very clear (“You WILL write a post tomorrow.”)
Now that NaNoWriMo has begun, I can no longer put off talking about my story, I suppose. I don’t know why I am so opposed to sharing this kind of thing. Trinity has made a cover for her book and a synopsis and has a couple thousands words or something. I have been slacking (I'm a slacker), and it’s coming back to
haunt me, in a manner of speaking. 

This is a brief pretty long possibly lengthy synopsis of my NaNo novel. I don't have a name for it quite yet, so suggestions are welcome. My working title is Padarath. 

Padarath is in the middle of a war with an nearby country, and losing. More and more men have been drafted into the army, leaving just the women, children and infirm to tend the fields and work and repairs. While they do their best, the country is slowly failing, going into poverty and famine. Desperate, the government concocts a last resort solution. They need to get across enemy lines, sneak around or through a fort which set up to guard one of the last accessible passes into Gjilong, the enemy country. The infiltrator then had the task of doing something (I don’t know what yet) that would give Padarath the edge. The government is looking for a fit young man to do the work for them. So they set up a test to pick the fittest, smartest, fastest, and most willing: an obstacle course, outfitted with many battle-accurate danger situations. The first across the finish line wins. The president extends the invitation to the entire country, looking for the best possible subject.
Then something happens that the government hadn’t counted on: two contestants tie for first place. And worse, one’s a girl. Furthermore, the other is a cheater; a young man above the age requirement who entered the race for a thrill . Neither is willing to be sent away from their homes to go on a military mission, but as the rules of the race state, the first across the finish line wins. And as the fine print of their contracts read, the winner is bound to accept whatever “prize” the host bestows on them, and so, unwillingly, the two teenagers, strangers to one another, are forced to set out together on a mission to save their country.
The main character in my story is the girl, fourteen-year-old Alice Fife. For most of her life, she has loved to run. Indoors, outdoors, wherever she goes. She convinces her father to enter her in the race for the fun of it, and so is shocked and horrified when the authorities demand that she leave her home and family and travel across the country on a potentially fatal mission, threatening to take her out of her father’s custody permanently unless she does what they say, then shipping her off with a strange, older boy who seems to dislike her quite a bit.

This is about all I have so far. I’ve started on the prologue and have 700 something words, so I have a lot of catching up to do. It’s a bit hard to get my priorities straight, since my sisters and I just went to the library recently and picked up some books I really like, and we started a new movie, and I “need” some sleep, and I have another story that I don’t want to abandon, even if it’s just for a month. Of course, when faced with these options; on one hand, a book you love but have read several times over (The Queen of Attolia), and on the other hand, a novel that you have 27 days to work on, and your deadline is steadily encroaching, and on the other hand you have a movie that you want to watch, but you own it and could watch it anytime, and on the other hand, you did commit to this book you’re writing, and on the other hand, man, that bed looks really warm and inviting… and so on, you know which one is the logical choice, but you kind of don’t want to pick it. Writing is hard work, for me, and November is a holiday time in our house, listening to Christmas music and preparing for Thanksgiving (not to mention my birthday’s coming up next week).

These are not acceptable excuses, so I need to go write soon.

On another note, the last rabbit trail that Trinity went off on concerning the Jabberwocky I think was caused by another one of my sisters and I, singing and dancing to said poem while eating dinner. We have some very interesting choregraphy, likely based on a Sunday School song, "Walk Like An Egyptian" by the Bangles, and Michael Jackson's Thriller dance.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with anything important, so maybe forget that last part.

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