
Monday, January 27, 2014

DOOM! and an Aouthentica Excerpt

Heeeere it is! The long-awaited, barely anticipated excerpt from my NaNo project, Aouthentica. This is about one third of the first chapter, which I'll add the rest of if I get requests for it.

ALSO. Before we get to that, I want to tell you about DOOM. It stands for Definitely O-normous O-uthor Months. It's a variation on NaNoWriMo and Camp NaNoWriMo.
We'll be writing 50K (50,000) words over the months of March and April.
That's 820 words a day for 61 days. Amanda Wikoff came up with it over at The Ramblings Of A Wayward Author. If you want to do it you should head over there and let her know you're in!

On that note, my goal right now is to finish editing what I already have of Aouthentica by the end of February and then add onto it for all of DOOM.

Onto the excerpt.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Book Recommendations - The Veritas Project

The Veritas Project

 Veritas: meaning truth.

The Veritas Project is a government-funded project investigating supernatural occurrences. The team consists of Nate and Sarah Springfield, and their twin children, Elisha and Elijah, a Christian home-schooling family, who use a Biblical approach to accomplish their missions.

There are only two books in the series, the first being Hangman's Curse, but with this particular series they don't necessarily have to be read in order.

Hangman's Curse: 
Seemingly random students at a school become suddenly sick and begin acting oddly, losing their sanity and believing they see a ghost named Abel Frye. On all of the affected students' lockers, a hangman symbol is placed by a mysterious person or being. Elisha and Elijah Springfield enroll as students to investigate.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Fifteen Minute Story - Number 29

I was never meant to carry the weight of the entire mission. But that's the way it turned out. I never was able to figure out why we weren't extracted when my teammates started dropping like flies. But we weren't, and before long, I was the only one left.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Books of 2013 - Part One

Hello, faithful followers. It's Trinity. All of 2013 I kept a log of every book I read, and I'm here to present it to you with a brief thought on each book, and a rating between one and five stars. Because I have so many (A hundred sixty five), I'm going to split it up. Here's the first forty-four.
Also, I have that creative writing I've been swearing to write forever ready. I just need to type it up.
On to the list:
  1. Hunter Brown and the Secret of the Shadow – By The Miller Brothers (A Christian book, for a lower reading level, maybe 9-12. It was entertaining enough for me to read the next one, but not particularly well-written. Three stars.)
  2. Hunter Brown and the Consuming Fire – By The Miller Brothers (See previous)
  3. Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh – By Robert C. O'Brien (I really really enjoyed this. It reminded me
    vaguely of Redwall, and the Owls of Ga'hoole, mostly because of the talking animals. But it was well-written and entertaining. Five stars.)
  4. Racso and the Rats of Nimh – By Jane Leslie Conly (Not as good as the first book, probably because it's a different author, but it was nice to find out what happened to the characters. Kind of like an extended epilogue. Three stars.)