
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

I Thought Of A Moon

                    I Thought Of A Moon                           

   of a moon on
     a planet over the world 
   with an angel with a star
   over Baby Jesus and Christmas

Poem and artwork by Hannah
(around age 6)

Merry Christmas to all of our wonderful followers! I've been waiting nearly a year to post this picture-poem combo, that I recited years ago, and, if I recall, my Mama scribbled down on a restaurant napkin. But it is difficult to recall, since it was around ten years ago.
Thanks for putting up with us for so long, what with our crazy posting schedules and our bizarre ways of thinking and everything else. I can't actually be here today to post this, it being Christmas morning. But I won't get into our special Christmas traditions now, though when you look into the numbers (number of celebrating guests, number of gifts, number of crockpots of food, number of injuries... no, forget that last part), it's really quite interesting. 
So, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, or even believe in Jesus Christ at all, I wish you a fantastic 25th, a fantastic rest-of-the-year, and a happy new year.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Twenty-One Excerpt

I know I offered an excerpt of Aouthentica, and I will get one for you! It's nearly all typed up, and once I get a chance to do a touch of editing, it will come. Pinkie promise. Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a cupcake in my eye. {Sidenote: Hannah's done most of the typing for me. So, special thanks to her. Also, I got her to do it by not letting her read it unless she's typing it up, so she's spent hours working on it just because she wants to get to the end of the story. Which surprised me for two reasons. One, that she would spend that much time sitting in front of the computer working for me. And two, that she actually liked it enough to keep working on it that long.}
I was writing in my 642 Things To Write book (which is basically a writing prompt catalog), and I decided to write a bit with my Twenty-One characters, and I quite liked it, so I decided to share it with you.
I haven't talked much about Twenty-One, because I don't have much to say about it yet. It's kind of been on the back burner, stewing and slowly, ever so slowly growing. But I'll give you a bit of explanation.

First, my little summary.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

NaNoWriMo Conclusion 2013

Alright, it's December first and I topped out at 50,395 words! :D

It was hard. It wasn't easy at all. Week Two was the worst because the words wouldn't come, we had guests over every day of the week, and I could only write between 11:00pm and 2:30am. And I only stopped then because I couldn't physically keep myself awake past that time.

Anyway. But I did make both my goals, the first being 50,000 in thirty days, and the second being to finish before Thanksgiving. By week three and definitely week four,